Reflecting on the events and activities of the 2020/21 year, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented circumstances for organisations the world over. NRWDI is no exception. Our stakeholders, employees and their families have all been affected. Our focus has been to provide unwavering support for our employees’ wellbeing during such difficult times while ensuring business continuity.

There was significant uncertainty and unpredictability during 2020/21. In many ways, the year under review provided a test of our operational competence and resilience – a test that we passed. NRWDI has responded to the global COVID-19 crisis with professionalism and empathy. Our staff have shown themselves to be a flexible, adaptable and extraordinary dedicated group of people in these strange and uncertain times.

I am pleased to report that we have obtained clean audit reports for four consecutive years, which bear testimony to the fact that an institutionalised culture of accountability, trust, honesty and responsibility prevails in NRWDI. NRWDI is resiliently committed to good governance, prudent financial management, operational excellence and leadership based on the highest ethical and moral standards. 

During the review period, NRWDI achieved 90% of its annual performance targets, a performance similar to what was achieved in 2019/20 despite the turbulent operating environment. 

NRWDI remains fully committed to fulfilling the expectation of South Africans that radioactive waste should be safely managed in a manner that meets or exceeds all applicable regulatory standards and requirements for protecting the health, safety and security of humans and the environment, now and in the future.